[m a t e r i a l s] section
[For] paper, It doesn't really matter what you draw on, as long as the paper is of a
colour that contrasts with what you are drawing with. Lined writing paper is
actually a good cheap paper to practice on. I erase a lot, so any paper that can
hold up to a lot of erasing earns bonus points. =) Personally, because I am
broke, I use a medium tooth paper that is avaliable at most art stores for a
reasonable price. North American comic artists actually draw their books on
11x17 bristol board, with non reproducable grid on it. I have a few sheets given
to me by a comic artist at a con but I don't have the heart to use it. Only thing
to watch out for, is if you plan to ink your image, make sure the paper you use
doesn't bleed or flare. This can easily ruin your hard work. Lined paper doesn't
take ink well either because it has a thin layer of wax over it. When I say ink, I
am refering to inks that are not ball point inks. Try drawing with a rollerball on
lined paper and you will notice some sections the ink does not go down as
[I] normally use those white vinyl erasers. They also come in those retractable cases,
those run out far too quickly for my liking. It is not uncommon for me to run through one
of the white erasers in a month!

FYI only: I DO NOT ENDORSE THESE IN ANY WAY - Left to right: staedlter pigment liner, sharpie marker, sanford uni rollerball, sakura pigment ilner, staedler 9705 technical pencil, wedge tipped permanent marker, sakura pigma brush marker
[As] for pencils, I am partial to drafting or technical pencils, of the 0.7 - 0.3 mm
variety. I find these are excellent for detail work, although the 0.3 mm lead
does have a tendency to break often. On the other hand, there is nothing wrong
with a regular wood HB pencil is fine, although I also find 2B pencils very good
as well. Being a messy artist, I find that the higher 3-5B tend to generate very smudged images for me. Generally, for non artists, an HB pencil is middle of the road in
hardness. 2B - 5B pencils get softer as the number gets larger and 2H - 5H
pencils get harder as the number gets larger. H pencils are for drawing, and B
pencils are for sketching and shading.
[As] for pens many artists use Hunt dip pens. I'm too damn impatient, as well, dip pens
take a bit of getting used to... nothing like having a piece of hard work ruined by an ink
blob! *_* I use a variety, ranging from pigment liners to ballpoints. =) Any brand is OK, I'm not really
picky. The pigment liners I am currently using Sakura Pigma Microns and Staedtler pigment liners. You can pick up the later from any office supply store as they are used for drafting.
( In the 0.05 mm, 0.1 mm, 0.5 mm and the 0.7 mm varieties ) These tend to
have a shiny drying ink but are extremely easy to control. Another way to ink is
to use a brush. Brushes are harder to control, but have much more flexibility
compared to markers. Sakura makes pigment brush pens. These are a cross
between a marker and a brush. - I find they are even less intuitive than a brush. Rollerballs are good pens. I recommend
Sanford Uni Micros - these are amazing pens - very smooth action. Amazingly enough black ballpoints work well for inking! (or blue even! some of my impromangas were done in blue ballpoint!
Ballpoint pens have the advantage in that you can shade with
them if you vary the pressure you put on the paper. WATCH OUT. Some
pens do not have waterproof ink, so be careful when near water, or you might
ruin your hard work.
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